How To Paint Draconis Combine Red [Guide]

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Start by cleaning your mini with soap and water, thoroughly rinse the soap off. Paint won't stick to it.

Prime a nice smooth white.


Then heavily paint with red contrast paint. Babysit it, it will pull away from areas and white dots will appear. Poke those with your brush to keep them red until it dries.


Lightly dry brush with a nice highlighted color, in this case pink.


I like to get my base started early so paint the sides, dirt, and rocks.


Paint the detail areas a metallic, let it dry, inkwash them with a black shade, then highlight the ridges back to pure metallic.


Paint the cockpit, almost done.


Add the front face details and lightly dry brush the base dirt and rock.


Glue flocking down with a 50/50 mix of water and Elmer's Glue.


Finally, add any decal transfers you want and give a light coat with some type of protective varnish. Done!

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